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Telling Resources
The web is full of so many wonderful resources for storytelling. Here are a few of my favorites to get you started:




South Coast Storytellers Guild
A dynamic and diverse group of storytellers in Southern California who celebrate the oral tradition of storytelling through entertaining performances, educational workshops, and the development of student storytellers.

National Storytelling Network
Site for national group of storytellers. Features National Storytelling Directory, info. on The National Storytelling Festival, National. Storytelling Conference, and links.

Patti Story
Site for Patti Christensen, master storyteller and partner to James in The Patchwork Players.

Handbook for Storytellers
How to choose, learn, and tell a story.

International Storytelling Center
Building on our 25-year history to promote the power of storytelling and its creative applications to build a better world. Information about the National Storytelling Festival.

Augusthouse Publishing
A publishing company who only focuses on storytelling books. On-line catalogue.

The Storytelling Ring
A webring of storyteller/storytelling websites.

The Storytelling FAQ
"Frequently Asked Questions" about storytelling. A great sources of basic information about storytelling.

Story Arts Online
Storyteller Heather Forest's site includes storytelling lesson plans, stories, activities tied to the New York State English Language Arts Standards and more!!!

Story Dynamics: Website for Doug Lipman
Information and articles by master storyteller and teacher Doug Lipman about the many facets of storytelling. Includes information about his free storytelling e-mail newsletter.

Polaris Associates
Story Specialist and consultant Karen Dietz. Coaching leaders, building companies, telling stories.

Nancy Schimmel's Story Lists
A long-time storyteller shares lists of ecology stories and more.

Active Heroines in Folktales
A list of folk tales in which the central female character takes an active, positive role.

Stories That Nourish The Hearts of Our Children
A project created by Laura Simms for the Healing Story Alliance: Special Interest Group of the National Storytelling Network.

Cinderella Stories
This lists variations on the Cinderella story from around the world. Includes Lesson Ideas.

Stories, Activities, a story of the week, and an archive of articles about storytelling. Also a directory of storytellers.

Storytell List Serve
This list serve, sponsored by Texas Women's University, usually has at least 500 storytellers from around the world who range from professional tellers to beginners to listeners. A wonderful resource for any topic to do with storytelling. This is a hefty list serve and you may receive more than forty emails a day so I recommend getting this in digest format (one long e-mail a day with a daily menu of participants). To subscribe, go to the Storytell list home page at: